Friday, October 26, 2012

Hari ini Hari Raya..

Salam Aidil adha buat semua.. For the first time in my 30-years of living in this world, finally i got the chance to ber puasa sunat Arafah. Mengenangkan angka terasa begitu jahil diri ini. Baru sekarang ter panggil diri utk melakukannya. Namun aku tetap bersyukur kerana rasa itu tetap datang menjelma. Alhamdulillah.. Aku tetap akan berharap agar kasihnya DIA akan tetap berkunjung, mencurah ke atas sekping tanah yang gersang ini. Amin.

" Puasa itu (Puasa hari Arafah) dapat menebus dosa setahun yang lalu dan setahun yang akan datang"
(HR Muslim)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Remembering the Number

Since this year it is about back to blogging. so i do have a few things to back-dated. this is one of it.

So this is me in my first 30's..

I'm 30. ok la kn?ahaks...
Kasih yg tak terhingga atas ingatan ini..

Age is a question of mind over matter.  If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.  ~Leroy "Satchel" Paige

S for Saturday and also for Santai

Yup, it's Saturday when people go to park for morning jog or enjoy nasi lemak tepi pantai or went to pasar for fresh fish n veggies.
It's not supposed to be in OFFICE and tit tot tit tot the KEYBOARD or doing LR..
But the it's Saturday my very own Saturday.
Tp bak kata org happiness can come in many ways. u just have to look for it. And for me in this Sad,Sadis Saturday i found my silent joy when my college said " serious la Lat, ur cake sedap!" Wow! 
"i feel god, na na na na na na, i knew that i would!.. i feel god..."

~My very 1st home-made carrot cake~

Potluck to cheer up the day 0r the people

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mi Casa... Part 3.. Ceiling ooo Ceiling..

Frustttttttttttttttttttttttt.............. argh bengang aku dgn org plaster ceiling.. knp la korang buat x macam yg aku nk.. why..why???? susah sgt ke nk bg aku happy?? herm bukan complicated pn aku mintak .. aku nk mcm ni je pn.. haa,standard je kn? aku nk ada frame then downlight kt luar tue..

Mcm ni kn cantik.. the illusion look nice..warm.. yg korang g tebuk ceiling aku tu buat pe?? dlm bilik aku plak tu?knp kejam sgt nie?aku bayar ok!!!!

Knp buat mcmni?knp?knp tak tanya dulu??

Ceiling.. Ceiling..
C for Ceiling And the ceiling is crushing my heart..

Chicken & Prawn Rice Casserole

Assalamualaikum.. (w'slm jwb balik..)

This entry will be my 1st entry on my hobby - testing recipes. hehehe. i have tested a lot and been planning to do this long time ago. it just last nite, the attempt on this one recipe, i got it from the best source of recipes around the world: on9 and it was a A success!! YahoooooOOoo.

To do this recipe i have to sacrifice my yogurt that i bought for my future prawn masala.huhu. guess udang itu perlu bersabar tuk di ngap oleh aku. Zack really want to have rice last for dinner. so........... Sebagai isteri mithali tp malas, i forced myself in to came up with something. then i remember this. but then forgot to snap pix for every step. I managed to take only these...

This how it looks. Fresh from the oven.

So good and comforting

Here is the link for the recipe.
But i did changed and omitted a few ingredients frm the recipe. Go on and give a try. u"ll luv it.

'old' phot of Ya. hehe. Tombam!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mi Casa Part 2.

So now the house already look like one; the adrenalin rush came! wow! best giler. we started to koya all the fancy things to put up in the house, the chandelier, the air-con, the new dining set, the ultimate kitchen cabinet and the list go on and on and on... (koya xkena bayar,so sila la). But then my day become better and leave a wonderful mark in my calender of the year would be the day when we received the key. To be able to step in the house. A'lillah,Allah gave me the chance to provide a comfortable shelter for my kiddos..
The day we received our keys for our new centre of happiness.
So this time i would like to share a few pics on what we have done so far in conjuction celebrating the new excitement of getting the keys..
Usha pokok2..

Went to interior shop to get quotation for kitchen cabine. Mcm kaya sgt!!

Jln2 tgk,but not advisable to bring kid yg super active (anak ank..
 End of Part 2.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mi Casa.. Part 1

It was a suprised to see that the last entry was last year! hahaha. Pemalas. so i decide again to write, scribble or at least paste up few pictures this year. (Janji pd diri). So to begin this year, it would be about something big..really BIg that happening in life right now. Mi Casa. never thought my silly dream to own my own place before 40's came true. A'lillah , Allah blessed on this one. So i want to embedded it in this virtual memory of the journey in getting to it. And the best of doing it, of course thru snapshot frm my humble-full scratch body phone. in the moment of typing this, baiti jannati already berdiri megah di atas 'bukit'yg tidak dijangka.(marah aku dgn developer). but i'm going to back-dated it.. So let see..

This is how it looks masih lagi tanpa 'baju' .xselera mak tgk..

Workers yg telah dirasuah dgn teh ais n nasi grg kampung.. "kasik tebal skit dinding ek."

Look at her..

Now look at me.. hahaha
Senyum kembang All in all,we are happy.
End of Part 1.